12 tips to help resist tobacco cravings

12 tips to help resist tobacco cravings

Tobacco consumption is associated with several health problems, including oral cancer, emphysema, heart disease, and stroke. Approximately 28.3 million adults nationwide smoke cigarettes, the most common form of tobacco use globally. With increasing awareness of its harmful effects, many individuals are taking active measures to quit tobacco. However, abstaining from it can pose several challenges, particularly during the initial phase. So, here are some ways to manage tobacco cravings after quitting it: Delay gratification The concept of “id, ego, and superego” by Sigmund Freud can help one understand this strategy better. According to Freud, the id is the primitive part of the mind that functions by the “pleasure principle,” driving one to fulfill primitive urges, including the urge to have tobacco-based products. On the other hand, the superego functions by the “morality principle,” seeking to restrain one from consuming tobacco. The ego balances these two aspects of the mind and is driven by the “reality principle.” Individuals trying to resist tobacco cravings should focus on the “ego” aspect of the mind, resisting the urge and telling themselves to wait for ten more minutes before giving in to the temptation. Within these 10 minutes, one should try finding other activities to distract themselves, delaying the urge further.
Huntington’s disease – Foods to avoid and eating habits to follow

Huntington’s disease – Foods to avoid and eating habits to follow

Huntington’s disease is a hereditary disease that causes the degeneration of brain cells. One of the main symptoms of this condition is uncontrollable jerky movements in the arms, legs, face, head, and upper body (called chorea). Other symptoms may also include a decline in thinking and reasoning skills, alterations in mood, and behavioral changes. This article explores how the condition impacts one’s eating and food management strategies to improve nutritional intake. How Huntington’s affects the body and food intake Chorea Huntington causes jerky, uncontrollable movements called chorea. This can use more energy, increasing one’s caloric needs. Difficulty in planning Huntington’s may cause short-term memory loss, making it difficult to plan meals in advance. This can also affect one’s food and nutrition. Clumsiness One may also experience stumbling and clumsiness. As a result, one may find it difficult to eat or drink, causing embarrassment among individuals with Huntington’s. Mood changes Cognitive changes with Huntington’s can cause depression and anxiety. This can cause changes in appetite, affecting one’s desire to eat. Muscular changes With Huntington’s, individuals may also have hand-eye coordination, eating, and posture issues. This can limit their ability to put food into their mouths, affecting their daily eating habits. Additionally, it can make it difficult to close the lips together, causing spillage.
13 warning signs of Huntington’s disease

13 warning signs of Huntington’s disease

Huntington’s disease (HD) is a rare neurological disorder that affects the brain’s nerve cells over time. A progressive decline in motor skills, cognitive function, and emotional well-being characterizes it. While the onset of symptoms can vary from person to person, recognizing the warning signs is crucial for early diagnosis and management. Here are some of the key indicators or early warning signs that may signal the presence of Huntington’s disease. What is Huntington’s disease? Huntington’s disease (HD) is a hereditary disorder caused by a mutation in the HTT gene, producing an abnormal form of the huntingtin protein. This mutated protein gradually damages certain areas of the brain, particularly the basal ganglia and cerebral cortex, which play crucial roles in regulating one’s emotions, memory, physical actions, and the ability to perform mental tasks, including thinking and decision-making. The condition has been closely linked to diabetes and abnormal changes in one’s glucose metabolism. A physical examination and a blood test often lead to its diagnosis. Warning signs of Huntington’s disease Involuntary and jerky movements Individuals may notice involuntary movements, known as chorea, which often begin subtly and gradually worsen over time. These movements can manifest as cramps, tremors, or other jerky motions that affect the body’s arms, legs, face, and other parts.
11 foods to help whiten teeth naturally

11 foods to help whiten teeth naturally

Teeth staining can happen for several reasons, such as aging, poor eating habits, and an unhealthy lifestyle. To combat this, one could follow good oral hygiene, periodic dental cleaning, and professional tooth whitening to improve the color of the teeth. But apart from these measures, individuals could also make certain lifestyle choices, such as eating healthy foods. Below is a list of eleven foods that should be part of one’s meal regime for brighter teeth. Strawberries Eating strawberries could benefit one’s teeth, especially its color. The berry is rich in malic acid concentration, a property used in many toothpaste formulas. The acid works like a natural astringent and helps remove the tooth surface discoloration. One should note that strawberries are also abundant in citric acid, which may weaken the enamel. Therefore, each individual must wait at least 30 minutes to brush their teeth after consuming strawberries or other acidic foods. One could also rinse their mouth with water to negate the effects of citric acid after eating the berry. Onions Many are unaware of the health benefits associated with onions regarding oral hygiene. While the vegetable might cause bad breath, eating it in small amounts may benefit the teeth. The food contains antibacterial sulfur compounds that may prevent plaque from forming on the teeth.
8 mistakes every new hearing aid owner must avoid

8 mistakes every new hearing aid owner must avoid

While hearing is an indispensable sense that connects one with the world around, hearing loss is a largely prevalent issue that can significantly impact one’s life. About 2-3 out of every 1,000 children are born with diagnosable levels of hearing loss in one or both ears. Today, technological advancements have facilitated several interventions, including hearing aids, to enhance hearing. Here are some common mistakes that new hearing aid owners should avoid: Not controlling volume effectively It is essential to regulate the volume of one’s hearing aid, as excessive use can worsen hearing difficulties with time. Thus, it is important to know where the volume controls are located in the hearing aid and how the volume should be changed or adjusted. Overlooking the adjustment phase For individuals grappling with hearing loss over long periods, all sounds may be excessively loud upon putting on hearing aids. Such loudness may initially cause fatigue among new hearing-aid users. This phenomenon, called hearing-related fatigue, is quite typical. Unfortunately, many individuals quit using their hearing aids at this stage to avoid this fatigue. However, it is important to persevere during the adjustment phase, opting for strategies like regulating the volumes of one’s TV, radio, etc., wearing hearing aids for shorter periods initially, and not adjusting the hearing aid volume too frequently.
10 common disabilities one should know about

10 common disabilities one should know about

Thousands of conditions are considered disability, and most of them may qualify for healthcare benefits. Many healthcare authorities provide monthly resources to those who are unable to work due to their illness. However, one should also note that some conditions are more likely to qualify than others. To help one understand better, here’s a list of 10 common disabilities, which includes the largest group of people who receive various government-funded insurance and income. Musculoskeletal system and connective tissue This group of disabilities contains a wide range of disorders and makes up about 30% of all people receiving healthcare benefits. The musculoskeletal system includes the parts of the body, such as ligaments, cartilage, bones, and other connective tissue. The system connects the bones and helps one maintain movements, so sitting, standing, or walking is nearly impossible without the skeletal system. The most common musculoskeletal system and connective tissue disorders include arthritis, spine disorders, scoliosis, ruptured discs, fibromyalgia, and degenerative disc disease. Mood disorders There are several types of mood disorders, including bipolar disorders, cyclothymic disorder, major depressive disorder, and seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Other complications may also arise, such as depression related to mental illness, persistent depressive disorders (dysthymia), and premenstrual dysphoric disorder.
11 best foods for managing anemia

11 best foods for managing anemia

Anemia is a prevalent health condition that develops when the body does not have enough red blood cells or hemoglobin to carry sufficient oxygen to the tissues. A common cause of this condition is a deficiency of iron, which can cause issues such as weakness, fatigue, paleness, dizziness, and shortness of breath. Here, in addition to seeking treatment for these symptoms, making better food choices can help in managing anemia.  Nutrition and anemia When dealing with anemia, it is crucial to choose foods rich in iron, as iron helps in the production of hemoglobin in red blood cells, thereby helping manage the condition. In addition to iron sources, one should opt for foods that help in the absorption of iron to maximize the benefits of this vital nutrient. Here, it is important for one to understand the difference between the two types of food-derived iron—heme iron and non-heme iron. Heme iron is commonly found in animal products, while non-heme iron is present in plant-based foods. Although both types contribute to increasing overall iron levels, optimizing each type’s absorption through a well-balanced meal plan is key to combating anemia and managing overall health. Best foods The following are a few common foods that one must consider adding to daily meals when dealing with anemia:
6 exclusions of a dental insurance plan

6 exclusions of a dental insurance plan

Healthcare is a crucial aspect of any country, and it can be quite expensive if an individual does not have insurance such as Medicare. One of the healthcare options available is dental insurance, which can help save a lot of money on annual appointments and treatments. However, many people are not aware of the limitations of dental insurance. Here are six things that dental insurance plans may not cover. Cosmetic dentistry Restorative dentistry might be necessary when it’s related to one’s well-being. However, insurance companies usually classify cosmetic dentistry as an elective procedure and may not cover the cost of treatment. One should also note that many cosmetic dentists use restorative procedures, such as porcelain crowns, dental implants, and tooth veneers, for restorative and cosmetic purposes. Therefore, insurance may cover some or all of one’s restorative procedures but will not cover elective cosmetic procedures. If a dental procedure is necessary due to decay, disease, an accident, or injury, it may be considered a restorative procedure, and the insurance may cover some or all of the cost. It’s also important to note that some restorative procedures may be covered under insurance if they serve a functional purpose, such as replacing missing teeth or improving the mechanics of a patient’s bite.