Tree pollen allergy – Symptoms, types, and prevention

Tree pollen allergy – Symptoms, types, and prevention

Tree pollen is a common trigger for allergies when plants start flowering around springtime. In some regions, trees may release pollen at the beginning of January and continue until June. Often, trees yield dry, light pollen carried for miles by the wind. Some think tree pollen will not affect them because they reside in a city, which is untrue. Tree pollen allergy can affect anyone because the fine particles travel quickly through the air. Symptoms of tree pollen allergy Pollen allergies from trees or plants can cause symptoms that resemble hay fever or allergic rhinitis. When the body comes in contact with pollen, it overreacts and soon releases a chemical histamine to shield against the allergen. This excess histamine release may trigger the following symptoms: – Itchy throat – Sneezing – Coughing – Runny nose – Itchy eyes – Watery eyes – Itchy nose – Itchiness on or at the mouth’s roof – Nasal congestion – Postnasal drip – Feeling irritated – Tiredness – Swelling around the eyes – Disturbed sleep Asthma can aggravate tree pollen symptoms. Sometimes, one may be confused between the two because their signs are almost the same. If a symptom appears in the first few months of the year, it is probably induced by a tree pollen. Still, one should consult an expert if unsure about the cause and the symptoms persist.
14 brain-boosting foods that help fight dementia

14 brain-boosting foods that help fight dementia

Nutrition plays a crucial in maintaining brain health and function. A healthy meal plan is believed to contribute to the prevention of cognitive decline, including conditions like dementia—a term for issues like the loss of memory, language, problem-solving, and other thinking abilities. Even when diagnosed with dementia, the right nutritional regimen can help in managing the condition, maintaining overall health, and minimizing the impact of the condition’s symptoms on daily life.  Foods to consider 1. Leafy greens Leafy green vegetables like Swiss Chard, spinach, collard greens, and kale are rich in B9 and folate, which can boost cognition and mood. One can add these veggies to daily meal plans by making veggie salads, adding the greens to chilis, stews, and soups, and pureeing them and adding to hummus, pesto, and sauces. 2. Legumes Foods like peanuts, beans, and pulses contain protein, iron, and fiber, which can help improve insulin sensitivity, glucose regulation, and cognitive function. The nutrients can also help prevent blocked arteries that trigger strokes or increase blood pressure. One can cook legumes and add them to daily meals. 3. Berries Blackberries, blueberries, cherries, and raspberries are rich in fiber and antioxidants, which can help with digestion and reduce inflammation, respectively.
Top 5 errors to avoid when considering a medical alert system

Top 5 errors to avoid when considering a medical alert system

For many seniors, mobility and muscle coordination become an issue after a certain age. In such situations, older adults face an increased risk of falling, potentially leading to a health crisis. To avoid this, having a medical alert system can help them get assistance without delay. These devices improve the safety and well-being of people with chronic conditions or advanced age. However, when buying these devices, one must consider various factors and avoid common mistakes. Assuming medical alert devices are only for seniors who live alone While it is true that seniors who do not live alone are less likely to require a medical alert system, it is always better to be prepared than to encounter an unfortunate incident. This is because family and caregivers can’t monitor a senior 24/7. They have other responsibilities and engagements, which makes it difficult to be in the constant immediate presence of the senior person. Sometimes, the caregiver can be in another part of the house during a health emergency. In such cases, a medical alert system would immediately alert the caregiver instead of waiting for them to check in on the senior later. A medical alert system ensures that assistance is always available, even for seniors who have a caregiver or family member looking after them.
8 mistakes to avoid when using a toothpaste

8 mistakes to avoid when using a toothpaste

A dental hygiene routine is incomplete without using toothpaste. While it seems quite easy to use toothpaste, many people commit a few mistakes that can put their dental health at risk. These mistakes involve not checking the label of ingredients, using too much whitening toothpaste, etc. Toothpaste generally contains several compounds and chemicals that might harm the teeth and overall health. So, one must watch out for these harmful ingredients for better dental hygiene. 1. Not paying attention to the ingredients Every brand has a different list of ingredients that they use to make their range of toothpaste. Some of these ingredients might not be suitable for every person. For example, certain toothpastes contain sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), which usually helps to build up the soapy foam consistency. For some people, this ingredient may trigger irritation. Besides this, many toothpastes contain fluoride. Some percentage of this compound is considered essential in toothpaste for the prevention of cavities. However, some people may have fluoride sensitivity, which can trigger allergies or other symptoms if they use fluoride-based toothpaste. So, in such cases, fluoride-free options are more suitable. This is why it is important to always check the label for the ingredients and know whether all of these are safe for use.
12 warning signs of psoriasis to be aware of

12 warning signs of psoriasis to be aware of

Psoriasis is  a type of  autoimmune skin disorder marked by chronic inflammation and a rapid overproduction of skin cells. This chronic condition leads to an overactive immune system, affecting the whole body. It is more common among adults, especially those aged between 40 and 59  years . There are several types of psoriasis ;  the most common one  is  plaque psoriasis.  External factors like skin injury, throat infection, or certain treatment options usually cause psoriasis. Warning signs of psoriasis In psoriasis, people  can develop different signs and symptoms,  varying from one person to another. The symptoms also depend on which  type of psoriasis  one has .  If one experiences any  of the  common warning signs of psoriasis, they should seek medical help. Plaque Psoriasis forms thick, red patches on the skin that are often covered with silvery flakes on the skin called scales. People can notice significant and sudden changes in the way their skin looks. The raised, inflamed patches, seen mainly on the elbows, scalp, knees, and lower back, can surface anywhere on the body. Sometimes, these patches merge, creating larger patches that may be sore to tough or cause irritation. One may get a sensation of itching the affected area constantly.