12 early warning signs indicating the onset of Parkinson’s disease

12 early warning signs indicating the onset of Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease is a disorder that gradually affects the nervous system, potentially impacting areas controlled by the nerves. The symptoms of the disease may occur gradually and may show themselves until a much later stage. But to get the most out of treatments for Parkinson’s disease, it is crucial to diagnose the condition when it just begins. Therefore, here are 12 early warning signs that could help identify the condition early and slow its progression. Tremors One may experience tremors for several reasons, including low blood sugar, stress, anxiety, and the side effects of ongoing prescriptions. However, the symptom might also be a warning sign of Parkinson’s disease. One may notice the first signs of tremors in the limbs, such as hands and fingers. A person with Parkinson’s may also rub the thumb and forefinger back and forth, known as a pill-rolling tremor. Furthermore, the symptom may stop while performing tasks but resume at rest. Bradykinesia As one ages, one’s physical abilities may decline, resulting in decreased mobility. However, individuals with Parkinson’s may also experience this condition, called bradykinesia. This may cause difficulty in performing even basic tasks and take longer than usual to complete them. Furthermore, one may notice that one’s steps become shorter while walking, and one may also drag or shuffle one’s feet while trying to walk.
9 unhealthy habits that can harm skin health

9 unhealthy habits that can harm skin health

A person’s skin is a reflection of their lifestyle and the foods they eat. If an individual follows a good skincare routine, such as bathing daily, moisturizing the skin regularly, and drinking plenty of water daily, their skin will remain fresh, soft, hydrated, and, above all, healthy. On the other hand, certain unhealthy nutritional and lifestyle habits are incredibly harmful to one’s skin. Here are some habits that can worsen one’s skin health. Chatting on the phone constantly Most people do not regularly clean or wipe their phone screens, allowing bacteria and germs to accumulate on its surface. On top of that, people spend a lot of time resting their chin or cheek against their phones. It causes the bacteria to come into contact with the skin directly, causing eventual, long-term breakouts and skin infections. Additionally, leaning one’s phone against the face causes friction, heat, and complete or partial blockage of certain blood vessels, leaving the skin in much worse condition. To avoid this, one can use a headset to prevent their face from touching their phone screen. Ignoring moles A mole can be a severe issue; however, most people ignore them, considering they are harmless. Moles are more than just prickly dark spots that one develops during certain seasons.
12 Things a Medicare Health Plan Covers

12 Things a Medicare Health Plan Covers

Medicare is a government health insurance program that covers people over 65, some younger people with disabilities, and those with end-stage renal disease. It has four parts – Part A, which covers hospital insurance, nursing facilities, hospice, and in-home care; Part B, which covers doctor’s visits, outpatient care, medical equipment, home healthcare, and preventive screenings; Part C, which offers Medicare-approved plans by private companies, and Part D, which covers the cost of prescriptions. Due to the complex nature of federal policies, there are several things that we tend to skip. Learning about them can help you make better and more efficient policy use. So, here are the 12 things that fall under a Medicare coverage: Welcome to Medicare preventive visit Enrolling for Medicare makes you eligible for a ‘Welcome to Medicare’ preventive visit. Although essential, this service is often overlooked by many people. It is meant to allow you to meet with your primary care physician for an overall check-up, establish a baseline for your health, and create a health and wellness plan for the upcoming year. Here, you can discuss your medical history, examine your need for treatment, and formulate a plan for a healthier future. Yearly wellness visits In addition to a welcome visit, you also get annual wellness visits which are the opportunity to have a scheduled check-up and to talk to your healthcare provider about your yearly care plan.
Health issues caused by excessive water intake

Health issues caused by excessive water intake

It’s important to stay hydrated for good health, but drinking too much water can also cause problems. Overhydration occurs when there’s excess water in the body, leading to complications with various organs. It is crucial to know the importance of drinking enough water and the issues that can arise when one drinks too much water. Read on to learn about health issues one may experience as a result of overhydration. Hyponatremia This is a condition in which the sodium levels in the body are below the normal amount. The normal levels are 135 to 145 milliequivalents/liter, but the levels drop below 135 in hyponatremia. One of the reasons why this condition is caused is due to too much water or fluids in the body. This excess hydration can “water down” the sodium in the body leading to complications. Some of the symptoms of this illness can include vomiting, nausea, low blood pressure, loss of energy, seizures or coma, muscle weakness or twitching, cramps, restlessness, bad temper, headache, fatigue, and confusion. Water poisoning This may sound unusual, but it is something that happens when one drinks water in excess. One can experience water poisoning, intoxication, or even damage to brain function due to excess water in the body.
11 household items that can increase the risk of cancer

11 household items that can increase the risk of cancer

Unknown to you, several carcinogenic substances could be hiding within your home. A carcinogen can be anything that causes cancer. It can be present in the air, in a regular product, in beverages and foods, or it can be released from several appliances, furniture, and other items in your home. Being exposed to these substances doesn’t necessarily mean you will have cancer. However, prolonged exposure can increase the risk of the condition. Household items that can increase cancer risk Carpets In most cases, carpets are made from synthetic fibers. These fibers are usually chemically treated and recess gases over time. These gases can contain toxic substances that increase the risk of hormonal imbalance, respiratory problems, and cancer. Also, you may have observed a distinct smell when you bring home a brand-new carpet. Although most people attribute this smell to the newness of the carpet, these smells are actually from chemical compounds linked to several health disorders. Sofas If your sofa was manufactured before 2013, it’s time to get rid of it. This is because, before 2013, several cushioned household items, such as sofas, love seats, and so on, were treated with TDCIPP. It is a chemical that works as a flame-retardant.
Top 8 Traditional Hotspots of Respiratory Illnesses

Top 8 Traditional Hotspots of Respiratory Illnesses

Treating several respiratory illnesses such as asthma, the common cold, and those due to allergy reactions involve preventing triggers of the symptoms. Most people assume they must take precautions only when they head outside. Although it is essential to mask up and avoid pollutants, smoke, and particulate matter outdoors, it is equally crucial to be wary of potential symptom triggers indoors as well. Here we’ve discussed some hotspots for respiratory problems and how to tackle them. Doorknobs and drawer and appliance handles The handles of drawers, appliances, and doorknobs in any home or office are some of the most touched surfaces, as everyone comes in contact with these. As a result, they are one of the biggest hotspots for respiratory illnesses. They can quickly spread contagious germs such as viruses, bacteria, etc. What you can do Although it is impossible to completely cut off contact with these surfaces, cleaning them with disinfectants is recommended. Electronic keypads and keyboards Electronic keypads and keyboards can have 400 times more germs than an average toilet seat. This is because these are in constant contact with our hands, which are the biggest carriers of germs unless we sanitize them regularly. Moreover, many people drink and eat at their desks as they work.
Early Signs of High Cholesterol – What to Know and Risk Factors

Early Signs of High Cholesterol – What to Know and Risk Factors

Cholesterol is a fatty wax-like substance produced by the liver. It is categorized into Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL), High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL), and Triglycerides. The body needs to maintain low LDL and high HDL levels to support overall health. Any imbalance in these levels can trigger high cholesterol, leading to chronic health complications like heart disease. While there are no direct symptoms, the complications mentioned below point toward high cholesterol in the body. Early signs of increasing cholesterol levels Cholesterol levels build up in the body undetected for a long time and are only noticeable when the buildup triggers health complications. Mild to moderate discomforts observed when the following problems develop are among the early signs of increasing cholesterol levels. Heart disease Cholesterol circulates in the bloodstream, carrying essential vitamins and minerals for cell maintenance. These nutrients also supplement essential functions for various organs. Blood circulation is continuous, so these cholesterol molecules repeatedly pass along the arteries and veins. An increase in bad cholesterol (LDL) causes plaque buildup and triggers blockage. Plaque buildup also results in the narrowing of arteries and veins, thus hindering natural blood flow. Chest pain, extreme fatigue, shortness of breath, and pain radiating in the neck and jaw are early signs of increasing cholesterol levels.
Top 9 Signs of Poor Blood Circulation and Management Tips

Top 9 Signs of Poor Blood Circulation and Management Tips

Human bodies rely on a complex network of blood vessels to deliver oxygen, nutrients, and immune cells. This intricate blood circulatory system is crucial to maintaining our health and well-being. However, poor blood flow can impact various aspects of one’s health, and early detection and timely intervention can prevent the issue from getting complicated. Here are some early warning signs and ways to improve blood flow with simple techniques. Dry skin Dry patches on the skin and cracks may emerge when blood circulation is compromised, which also affects the healthy skin’s capacity to regenerate new cells. Cells depleted of oxygen and vital nutrients because of poor circulation are likelier to age earlier than necessary. Additionally, impaired blood flow can cause the skin to look pale or darkened, indicating poor oxygenation. Hair loss Hair follicles depend on the blood to consistently deliver nutrients and oxygen to sustain healthy hair growth. Poor blood circulation to the scalp can deprive the hair follicles of these vital nutrients, weakening the hair and eventually causing hair loss. If one notices excessive hair shedding or a significant decrease in hair thickness, it may be worth investigating the possibility of poor blood circulation. Erectile dysfunction In men, poor blood circulation can contribute to erectile dysfunction (ED).