12 warning signs of kidney cancer

12 warning signs of kidney cancer

The kidneys’ primary function is to filter blood and remove any harmful properties. However, individuals can develop masses such as growths or tumors inside the kidneys, which can stop them from doing their job properly. And while these could be signs of other health conditions, they may also indicate kidney cancer. Therefore, it is essential to learn about the signs of this mutation to receive a diagnosis as soon as possible. Here are a few signs that point toward kidney cancer: Blood in the urine (hematuria) The normal color of urine ranges from clear to pale yellow. Sometimes, this color may also change based on the foods one eats. For example, blackberries, beets, and fava beans may turn urine pink or red. Furthermore, certain treatment options may cause the color of the urine to turn orange or green. However, the reddish color of one’s urine might indicate that something isn’t right with the organ. It could point toward the presence of an infection or cancer. A healthcare expert must immediately diagnose such developments. Abdominal lump One of the most common indicators of kidney cancer is a hard lump that forms in the abdominal region. The development may occur in the front or rear of the region.
Best foods for people with schizophrenia

Best foods for people with schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a prevalent mental health condition that affects a person’s cognitive abilities and overall functioning. Its symptoms range from unusual behavior and distorted thinking to severe episodes of delusions, hallucinations, and emotional disconnect. Although the disorder is chronic with no cure, an early diagnosis and timely treatment can help improve the patient’s quality of life. The following are some healthy foods for schizophrenia that can help manage the condition better. Foods rich in omega-3 Healthy fats help counter inflammation that triggers cognitive symptoms and discomforts in people with schizophrenia. Omega-3 is among the most popular healthy fats experts recommend patients include in their meal plans to manage the condition. It helps slow down the progression of the disease to a reasonable extent and prevents oxidative stress from harming healthy brain cells. Fatty fish like salmon, herring, mackerel, black cod, and sardines are the best sources of omega-3, which the brain easily absorbs. Vegetarians looking to increase their intake of omega-3 fatty acids can eat avocados. Besides anti-inflammatory properties, the fruit has fiber, which keeps a person feeling full. This, in turn, curbs unnecessary hunger pangs, lowering the risk of overeating associated with schizophrenia. Assorted nuts and seeds like almonds, walnuts, flaxseeds, and chia seeds are also suitable omega-3 sources for vegetarians.
13 superfoods that help prevent and manage migraines

13 superfoods that help prevent and manage migraines

Individuals grappling with migraine attacks would perhaps understand best that headaches can be debilitating, affecting one’s daily routines considerably. A migraine attack is a severe throbbing headache, typically on one side of the head, accompanied by symptoms like vomiting, nausea, and light and sound sensitivity. These attacks occur intermittently and may last varying durations, differing between individuals. Let’s get insights into certain foods that can help fight migraines and control their symptoms. Boiled spinach Some studies have shown that magnesium may block certain brain signals that cause migraine attacks, while other research articles suggest that magnesium is essential to stop the development of certain chemicals that may contribute to migraines. Thus, magnesium-rich foods can help individuals with migraines control their symptoms. Half a cup of boiled spinach contains nearly 78 mg of magnesium; moreover, it is an excellent source of iron, whose deficiency can cause low oxygen levels in the brain and lead to migraines. Further, it is advisable to have vitamin C-rich foods alongside foods rich in iron to ensure optimal iron absorption. Bananas An extreme dip in blood sugar levels can cause or exacerbate migraine headaches. Besides being rich in magnesium and potassium, bananas provide an instant surge of energy and prevent the onset of a migraine attack.
Unveiling the silent killer – Symptoms of hypertension

Unveiling the silent killer – Symptoms of hypertension

Hypertension or high blood pressure is a condition in which the pressure in the arteries when the heart beats and rests between beats is higher than the normal range (120 over 80). This changes according to the activities one does throughout the day. Hypertension is known as a silent killer because its symptoms usually go unnoticed until it gets to an advanced stage. Here are some signs and symptoms one should watch out for before it gets too late. Headaches It is normal to get headaches, but if you have persistent and throbbing pain, it may be a sign of hypertension. This is especially noticed when you wake up in the morning. Dizziness One could feel dizzy for several reasons, and hypertension should not be ruled out as the illness causing this symptom. Some people may even experience fainting due to high blood pressure. So be aware of any changes in your body’s normal functions. Blurred vision The eyes contain many tiny blood vessels, which, when subjected to high blood pressure, may lead to rupture of these vessels. It could lead to retinopathy or blood vessel damage. This lack of blood flow to the retina can lead to blurred vision or even loss of sight.
8 foods to help improve fertility in men and women

8 foods to help improve fertility in men and women

Often, people incorrectly believe that low fertility is incurable. Fortunately, years of extensive scientific research have found that the foods one eats, or lifestyle habits can either enhance or debilitate fertility. Maintaining a good food regime can, over time, restore fertility levels in people. This is because of the nutritional value of specific foods that directly bring about positive changes in a person’s reproductive health. Thus, here are some foods that improve fertility: Oatmeal Everyone’s favorite breakfast, a warm bowl of oatmeal, is also a wonderful fertility enhancer. Studies have found that high-fiber carbs that have a low glycemic index are positive for fertility growth. Oatmeal is loaded with these kinds of high-performance carbohydrates. At the same time, one also needs to be careful. The glycemic index of carbohydrates is linked with a given food’s ability to raise or lower one’s blood sugar levels. So, while low glycemic index-based foods lower a person’s blood sugar levels, high glycemic index-based foods make that level rise. Sugar is associated with fertility issues. Thus, foods like oatmeal should be consumed in moderation or you should have sugar-free oatmeal, if possible, to attain all of their benefits while sidestepping their problematic aspects. Spinach Leafy green vegetables have countless health benefits, which is why they regularly feature on nearly all “best foods” lists, and that trend continues for this list as well.
11 common side effects of drinking insufficient water

11 common side effects of drinking insufficient water

Nearly 80 percent of the body is made of water. Every tissue, cell, and organ requires water for optimal functioning. Moreover, all bodily processes, from digestion to blood circulation, need water. Water is essential to flush out toxins from the body, carry oxygen to every organ, carry essential nutrients to all body parts, and maintain skin and hair health. Needless to say, there can be several side effects from not drinking enough water. Constant headaches One of the most common side effects of not drinking enough water is experiencing persistent headaches. This is because insufficient water causes an imbalance of electrolytes and fluids in the body. The fluid loss causes the tissues in the brain to shrink or contract. As the brain shrinks, it starts to pull away from the skull, putting pressure on the nerves. This is what causes the constant headaches. Constipation When sufficient water is in the body, the colon takes it from the bloodstream to the intestines. This is done to soften and bulk up the stools. However, when you don’t drink sufficient water, there is not enough for the digestion process to complete. As a result, the stool becomes hard, and there are motility issues since the hardened stool cannot pass through the system.
Skin cancer – Types and warning signs

Skin cancer – Types and warning signs

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer. It often develops on areas of the skin that are constantly exposed to the sun. Depending on the cells they affect, there are three major types of skin cancer: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. Each of these conditions may manifest differently. Knowing their warning signs can help one detect skin cancer early and manage it before it spreads. Warning signs of basal cell carcinoma This is the most common type of skin cancer. It forms in the basal cells of the skin, which lie at the bottom of the epidermis. It usually affects the sun-exposed areas of the body, such as the face and neck. Common signs and symptoms include a small pink or red bump that is shiny, pearly, or translucent and may have black, blue, or brown spots; flat, flesh-colored, yellow, or brown scar-like lesion; lesions that bleed spontaneously without being irritated or picked; bleeding or scabbing open sore that doesn’t heal or heals and returns; pink growth with raised edges and a deflated center that may feature atypical blood vessels; and raised and itchy red patches. Warning signs of squamous cell carcinoma This is the second most common type of skin cancer, affecting over one million people yearly.
Top 20 Questions To Ask a Pulmonologist

Top 20 Questions To Ask a Pulmonologist

Lungs are vital organs in the respiratory tract that support various bodily functions, including absorbing fresh oxygen from the air and expelling carbon dioxide. However, various respiratory disorders, like the common cold and flu infections to chronic obstructive diseases, can affect these functions. A pulmonologist is a healthcare professional specializing in treating and managing these lung disorders. Here are a few important questions to ask when one consults a pulmonologist. Ask about procedures Pulmonologists perform several tests to determine the type of disease or disorder developing in the lungs. During the first appointment, it is always better to ask about these tests to be prepared physically and emotionally. Discuss in detail about current symptoms Ask the pulmonologist why certain symptoms persist or worsen despite initial intervention. Describe the discomforts so the doctors can perform further tests to narrow down the causes and triggers. It could be a side effect of prescriptions or simply due to the progressive nature of the underlying lung disorder. Ask what should be done during flare-ups Symptoms can be erratic depending on the underlying complication. So, it is also important to ask the doctor about flare-ups and what should be done to provide immediate relief. Discuss test results in detail From acute chest syndrome to tuberculosis, many types of mild and severe lung disorders affect the organ’s overall function.