8 warning signs of prostate cancer

8 warning signs of prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is a dangerous health condition in which the cells in a person’s prostate grow unnaturally, aggressively, and out of control. Like other malignancies, prostate cancer can assume life-threatening proportions if not diagnosed and addressed in its initial stages. However, healthcare professionals can treat the condition successfully if a person pays attention to the warning signs of the condition. Some of the leading indicators of prostate cancer are discussed below. Urinating difficulties Prostate cancer affects a person’s urination and the organs contributing to the process. So, people with this condition tend to have weakened or slow urine flow. Moreover, individuals with this condition also experience pain in the lower abdomen and urethra while urinating. Other issues, such as an excessive urge to urinate and a lack of control over how the urine flows, are common problems people face in all stages of prostate cancer. If people face pain while urinating or any other difficulty, they must immediately consult a doctor or oncologist for a cancer screening test. Frequent urination Besides pain during urination, prostate cancer patients might also experience irregular urination patterns in all stages of the condition. As the cells grow out of control into tumors, the adjacent cells and tissues soon start feeling the strain.
13 Foods for a Healthy Bladder

13 Foods for a Healthy Bladder

The bladder is a critical organ in the urinary tract that stores and releases urine. Any problem in the bladder can lead to discomfort, pain, and even infections. Therefore, it is essential to take good care of this organ. Besides following a healthy lifestyle, adding nutritious foods to the meal plan can contribute to maintaining optimal bladder health. Here are some of the best foods to eat for a healthy bladder. Bananas Bananas are an excellent source of fiber, which can help promote digestive health and lower the risk of constipation. Preventing constipation is necessary because it can cause bladder irritation and increase the risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs). Bananas are also rich in vitamin C, an antioxidant that can help soothe the bladder. Winter squash Winter squash and other squash varieties like butternut, acorn, and pumpkin are excellent sources of potassium, which is vital for maintaining kidney and bladder health. High-potassium foods can reduce the risk of UTIs and bladder irritation. Winter squash, in particular, is also low in sodium, which can help lower inflammation and prevent the kidneys from working overtime to flush out the extra salt from the body. Yogurt Yogurt is a good source of probiotics, beneficial bacteria that live in the gut and help promote a healthy immune system.
7 foods that help reduce the risk of cancer

7 foods that help reduce the risk of cancer

In a world where most ready-to-eat meals contain excess fats and calories, finding a balance becomes necessary. The food one consumes helps maintain overall health, reduces the risk of a disease, and hastens the recovery process. This is particularly true in the case of cancer. While no food can cure cancer, intake of certain vegetables, such as the ones given below, may reduce its risk. This article additionally touches upon options for cancer treatment. 7 Foods That Help Reduce the Risk of Cancer Berries Berries like blackberries, mulberries, strawberries, and blueberries are rich sources of vitamin C, folate, potassium, and manganese. They also contain a high amount of antioxidants, including ellagic acid, gallic acid, and chlorogenic acid, and have anti-cancer properties. Garlic Garlic is a vegetable that contains an active compound called allicin. One study concluded that people who ate a large number of allicin-rich vegetables such as garlic, onions, leeks, and shallots had a lower risk of stomach cancer. Tomato According to some experts, this fruit is a cancer-fighting superfood. Tomatoes contain lycopene, which is an antioxidant phytochemical that keeps away heart diseases. They are, additionally, a rich source of vitamin A, C, and E, all nutrients that help reduce the risk of cancer.
Avoid These 12 Triggers to Manage Lupus

Avoid These 12 Triggers to Manage Lupus

A chronic autoimmune condition, lupus affects millions of people around the world. It is a disease wherein the immune system is triggered to attack the healthy tissues causing increased inflammation, pain, and damage to different organs and body parts. Different people experience varying symptoms in varying degrees, including skin rashes, joint pain, fever, fatigue, and problems related to kidneys. Although there is no cure for the condition, it is essential to manage it with the help of lifestyle changes and proper treatment. Sun exposure Prolonged sun or UV light exposure is among the most common causes of flare-ups and worsening symptoms in lupus patients. The ultraviolet radiation in sunlight cause joint pain, skin rashes, and fatigue in lupus patients. Some treatments for the condition also increase the skin’s sensitivity to sunlight. To protect against any damage from the sun, people with lupus are advised to wear protective clothing like hats, long-sleeved shirts, and full-length pants. It is also essential not to skip board spectrum sunscreens as they can help prevent sun damage. Remember to use sun protection with a minimum SPF of 30. Stress Stress is a common trigger for lupus and can worsen its symptoms. When the body is stressed, it releases hormones that can increase inflammatory levels and further weaken the immune system.
5 foods that help manage heartburn

5 foods that help manage heartburn

Heartburn is a condition in which your esophagus is irritated and causes discomfort to the body. This discomfort is caused due to stomach acid that is pushed up through the esophagus. Causes can include spicy food, alcohol, overeating, or even tight clothing that presses down your stomach and chest. There could be other underlying causes, and a doctor can confirm those. Here are some foods that are safe to consume if you experience heartburn frequently. Ginger This medicinal herb is known for its tremendous home remedy qualities. It is known to absorb stomach acid and improve digestive health. Ginger helps regulate the uninterrupted flow of juices in the gastrointestinal tract, making the digestive process smooth and easy. This also helps in keeping digestion fast. Oatmeal Rich in fiber, oatmeal is a great choice for those dealing with heartburn. Due to its rich fiber content, it prevents you from overeating and has the ability to absorb stomach acid, which can prevent any episodes of burning ache. Oatmeal also helps in healthy bacterial growth in the stomach and is known to reduce inflammation which can help manage symptoms of heartburn. Aloe vera Aloe vera juice is easily available in the market and stores now.
Breast cancer – Early signs and management tips

Breast cancer – Early signs and management tips

Breast cancer develops in the breast cells. It may affect either or both breasts and can begin in any part of the organ, such as the lobules, ducts, or nipples. The condition can spread to other body parts when the cancerous cells enter the bloodstream or lymph system. This article lists a few early warning signs of breast cancer individuals should look out for to ensure timely diagnosis and treatment. Beast itchiness Although itchiness of the breasts may not always imply breast cancer, persistent itching is one of the early signs of the disease. Some people may notice crust formation due to itching. In advanced stages, the itching may progress to the breast tissue, leading to the development of a lump. Lump on the breast Most breast lumps are benign and harmless; however, some may indicate cancer and must not be ignored. Breast lumps caused due to cancer are usually hard, painless, and uneven and differ in shape and texture from the surrounding skin. They are typically fixed to underlying tissue, like the chest wall. Changes in breast texture Another early sign of breast cancer is a marked change in the texture of the breasts. The affected breast may feel tender, warm, or hard to touch and swell up.
10 nutrition tips for managing PAH

10 nutrition tips for managing PAH

Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a chronic condition characterized by high blood pressure in the arteries that go from the heart to the lungs. One may also experience chest pain, shortness of breath during periods of activity, dizziness, and swelling in the ankles and legs. The condition causes the narrowing or blocking of the arteries in the lungs, making the heart work harder to pump blood. This leads to weakened heart muscles and heart failure. Nutrition tips Living with PAH can be difficult. Although there is no cure yet, doctors may recommend treatment plans to manage the condition better. These treatments can further be supplemented by following a healthy nutritional plan. So, here are some tips to help one manage PAH better: Reduce salt and sodium intake Cutting back on salt and sodium intake is often the first piece of advice for those when dealing with PAH. Those living with PAH must limit their sodium intake to less than 2,000 milligrams a day. This is because excess sodium increases water retention in the body, making the heart work harder to pump blood, worsening the symptoms of PAH. Salt is a common additive in baking mixes, pickled foods, deli meats, frozen dinners, cheese, milk, canned vegetables, condiments, and sauces.
11 Things to Clarify With a Doctor During a Health Checkup

11 Things to Clarify With a Doctor During a Health Checkup

The COVID-19 pandemic and growing health conditions have made people understand the importance of staying healthy and fit. People search the internet for exercise routines, nutritious foods, and alternative methods to improve overall well-being. But despite following a better lifestyle, certain underlying conditions might trigger health complications. This is why getting a regular health checkup is imperative. One should cross-check certain factors during a checkup to get a clearer picture of their health. Health issue risks Health issues may stem from multiple underlying factors, including gender, age, and genetics. Unhealthy lifestyle habits are another contributing factor to the eruption of unsuspecting diseases. Therefore, one of the first things an individual should ask the healthcare professional, following a diagnosis, is if they are at risk of health issues. It is essential to get an honest opinion from the healthcare expert in this regard. Understanding stress Bringing up depression, stress, or anxiety problems isn’t an easy task. However, asking the healthcare expert about these mental health conditions may contribute to the routine checkup and make a better diagnosis. The patient could work with the doctor to look for new stress-related symptoms, which could help them develop ways to improve their condition. Complications with genetics Sometimes an individual might suffer from the same health conditions as a family member.