Early Warning Signs and Food Regimes for Prostate Cancer

Early Warning Signs and Food Regimes for Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers globally. The tumor begins in the prostate gland and can be detected through screening, after which the treatment procedure is determined. While standard treatments exist, clinical trials on and for prostate cancer   determine how effective new therapies can be. However, aside from therapies, it is essential to eat the right foods to reduce the growth rate of cancer cells and improve the effects of treatment. Early signs of prostate cancer Though early stages of the condition are symptomatic, the signs usually start appearing as the disease progresses. Here are some of the early warning signs that should not be ignored. Frequent urination One of the early warning signs of prostate cancer is the need to urinate frequently, especially at night. As the tumor grows, the pressure on the urethra or bladder results in more need to pass urine than usual. You might also have bleeding when you are urinating. Problems urinating There might be a weak urinary stream or a need to strain to empty the bladder. Some men may even feel pain or burning during urination. Loss of bladder control Another symptom of prostate cancer is leaking urine when you laugh or cough.
Top 7 Home Remedies for Cold and Flu

Top 7 Home Remedies for Cold and Flu

Cold and flu are common upper respiratory tract diseases and even though they are different, they have shared symptoms like sore throat, fever, and nasal congestion. The viral conditions spread via droplets suspended in the air from an infected person. Colds are a mild form, while a flu tends to be more severe. Once can turn to home remedies to effectively control their symptoms initially in mild cases of either condition. Top 7 home remedies for cold and flu Increase your consumption of zinc A very effective home remedy to help treat cold and flu symptoms, as well as help manage COVID, is adding zinc to the meal plan to boost the immunity system. This mineral aids in creating germ-fighting white blood cells so that symptoms of cold and flu stay under check. Additionally, zinc is also known to fight off the flu virus and reduce its growth in the body. Some of the foods that come rich in zinc comprise chickpeas, beans, dairy, lentils, red meat, eggs, and more. Furthermore, supplements can also be taken before the flu season commences to keep the immune system strong. Adding these foods as part of daily meal plan will not only aid in keeping cold and flu virus at bay, but will also help in maintaining good health.
7 Warning Signs That Indicate Multiple Sclerosis

7 Warning Signs That Indicate Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neurological condition affecting the spinal cord and brain. Here, the immune system attacks the myelin sheath, which protects nerve fibers. The condition disrupts communication between the brain and other body parts. This neurological condition lasts long and can impact people as young as 20. Relapsing multiple sclerosis is a severe type of MS that can often deteriorate the patient’s condition. Between these flare-ups, they will have periods of recovery also. Early warning signs of MS The signs and symptoms of multiple sclerosis may vary between patients and keep changing as the disease progresses. Some early warning signs that indicate MS at its initial stages are listed below. 1. Cognitive issues About half of the patients with multiple sclerosis suffer from cognitive dysfunction. These problems are often mild, and it is rare to have severe issues. This condition does not usually change one’s intellectual ability but might lead to poor memory, slowed thinking, and attention deficit issues. A patient will struggle to find the right word to use while speaking. 2. Optic neuritis In the early stages of MS, a patient’s eye health might also get affected. This disease damages the optic nerve, which connects the eye and brain.
Management Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Management Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that can impact synovial joints and other organs like the eyes, lungs, and heart. The joints in the hands and feet are the most commonly impacted, although they can also affect the knees, hips, and shoulder joints. A meal plan cannot cure it, but appropriate dietary changes can help reduce the inflammation that causes damage to the body. Here’s all you need to know about managing rheumatoid arthritis. Here are a few things you should know about managing rheumatoid arthritis: Seven things to avoid to manage rheumatoid arthritis Along with proper treatment, you should also avoid certain foods to manage rheumatoid arthritis: Red meat Red meat contains high levels of saturated fat that can exacerbate inflammation and lead to obesity. Sugar and refined flour Your blood sugar levels can surge when you consume too many carbohydrates and refined flour. However, you can try gluten-free alternatives because a spike in blood glucose levels can worsen many of your arthritis symptoms. Fatty foods full of omega-6 fatty acids Trans fats can increase the risk of insulin resistance and obesity, a primary risk factor for arthritis. It can increase bad cholesterol in the body and is also responsible for lowering good cholesterol.
7 Foods That May Worsen Eosinophilic Esophagitis Symptoms

7 Foods That May Worsen Eosinophilic Esophagitis Symptoms

People with eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) undergo inflammation in their esophagus, a food pipe tract, as it connects the mouth to the stomach. This inflammation is caused by the rapid and aggressive growth of eosinophils, a kind of white blood cell, in the lining of the esophagus. Specific triggers can worsen its symptoms in individuals, certain foods being one of them. To prevent this, here are some EoE food items one must avoid: Milk Cow’s milk contains specific proteins that can trigger inflammation and allergies in people with eosinophilic esophagitis. When such people consume milk, the subsequent allergic reaction caused due to these proteins can speed up the growth of eosinophils in the inner lining of their food pipe. This, in turn, worsens symptoms such as pain, difficulty in swallowing meals, and, in many cases, frequent episodes of vomiting. Due to its components, such as casein, lactoalbumin, and lactoglobulin, milk makes eosinophilic growth more rampant in patients. However, certain research studies have found that eliminating milk and other dairy products such as yogurt, ice cream, butter, buttermilk, artificial cream/cream, condensed milk, evaporated milk, margarine, ice cream, sour cream, some salad creams, mayonnaise, and cheese from one’s daily meals result in a tangible improvement in terms of symptoms in up to 34 percent of EoE cases.
7 Best Foods for Pulmonary Fibrosis Management

7 Best Foods for Pulmonary Fibrosis Management

Pulmonary fibrosis is a chronic and progressive lung condition that leads to scarring of the lungs. A build-up of these scar tissues impacts the ability of the lungs to transport oxygen into the bloodstream. Fortunately, there are certain foods that pulmonary fibrosis patients can have to manage their discomforting symptoms. Read on to learn more about the relationship between nutrition and pulmonary fibrosis and the best foods to include in daily meals. The connection between nutrition and pulmonary fibrosis Your lungs play a critical role in maintaining your immunity and functionality of the body at the cellular level. When lung function is compromised, it leads to a chronic state of stress in the body. This state of fight or flight may not allow your body to absorb nutrients properly and lead to malnourishment. Some studies, like the one in Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management, have also found a connection between pulmonary fibrosis and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). GERD itself contributes to nutritional deficiencies and may lead to serious health concerns. Appropriate foods help the body in multiple ways and simplify living with pulmonary fibrosis. They help in: Optimizing your weight reduces the pressure on your lungs and makes breathing easier Keeping your immunity levels high Enhancing your energy levels In the long run, healthy foods improve your pulmonary fibrosis symptoms and determine how well you respond to its treatment.
8 Homemade Smoothies to Manage Arthritis

8 Homemade Smoothies to Manage Arthritis

People with arthritis may suffer from a range of diseases or pains in the joints of their bodies. The pain caused by the condition can also be debilitating, which may force most individuals to refrain from carrying out indoor or outdoor tasks. Besides the treatments, one can eat certain foods that may help manage or improve the symptoms of arthritis. They can also blend these nutritious options to create healthy smoothies and make their meal enjoyable. Turmeric-infused smoothie Turmeric is traditionally used in several foods to manage health conditions. As for arthritis, the spice contains a substance known as curcumin that may help curb the effects of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, including pain and inflammation in the joints. To make a turmeric-infused smoothie, one will need a handful of kale or spinach, ½ cup of frozen pineapple chunks, one teaspoon of turmeric, and a quarter spoonful of ginger. They need to blend these ingredients with a pinch of black pepper, a spoon of chia seeds, and one cup of low-fat milk or almond milk. Pineapple smoothie An individual with arthritis may benefit from eating pineapples because of their pain-reducing enzymes like bromelain. All one requires to turn the fruit into a healthy smoothie are two celery ribs, the head of romaine lettuce, some coriander, a thumb-sized piece of ginger, and half a pineapple.
5 foods to eat to keep eczema at bay

5 foods to eat to keep eczema at bay

An inflammatory condition that affects the skin, eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, affects one in four adults. In severe cases, it causes itchy rashes, dry patches, skin irritation, and oozing blisters. The cause of eczema is usually credited to environmental factors and genes. Those with eczema usually have food allergies as well. Thus, food and nutrition play a major role in managing eczema. Here are a few foods that can help prevent eczema flare-ups. Berries Berries such as raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, and blackberries contain quercetin, a plant-based flavonoid. This is where fruits, flowers, and vegetables derive their rich colors from. Quercetin is an antihistamine and antioxidant. It prevents cell damage and helps combat inflammation. Eating berries is useful in avoiding eczema flare-ups.  Yogurt Rich in live culture, yogurt is one of the best probiotic foods to consume. It strengthens the immune system. Moreover, it prevents allergic reactions. This way, it lowers the intensity of eczema flare-ups. Eating probiotic foods is one of the most effective ways to manage eczema symptoms and itchy skin. Other probiotic-based foods that can add a variety to one’s daily meals include kefir, kombucha, miso soup, sauerkraut, and tempeh. Naturally-fermented pickles and sourdough bread are also good options.