8 window and door maintenance mistakes to avoid

8 window and door maintenance mistakes to avoid

The doors and windows of a house are considered to be its most integral components. Keeping them in good shape is imperative to ensure the safety and well-being of the residents. It is crucial to avoid making mistakes to keep the doors and windows in good condition. Whether to protect their form or function, one must avoid certain pitfalls, such as the following, to properly maintain their doors and windows. Not cleaning regularly Many individuals often overlook the need to clean their doors and windows regularly. These pieces accumulate substantial dirt, dust, and debris daily. If left uncleaned, the dirt can begin damaging the surfaces of doors and windows. It can also significantly damage the glass surfaces of windows by causing scratches. This is why it is essential to regularly clean the doors and windows with a soft cloth and mild cleansers. One must also ensure that the frames and hinges of the doors and windows are cleaned. If too much dirt accumulates in the rollers or hinges, it could lead to windows and doors not operating properly. Using the wrong cleaning products To maintain doors and windows perfectly, using the right products for cleaning is essential. Using abrasive cleaners or harsh chemicals might end up causing more damage to the surface of the doors and windows.
6 cleaning mistakes that can ruin carpets

6 cleaning mistakes that can ruin carpets

Carpets are not just great standalone pieces of furnishing, they can also tie a room together. Additionally, they help the space look cozier and softer. However, carpets and rugs tend to attract a lot of dust. So, they must be cleaned every now and then to keep them clean and retain their vibrance and texture in the long run. Further, one must avoid making cleaning mistakes that can make carpets look worn out: 1. Using the wrong products One may fall for tall claims and bring home carpet stain removal products that can instead cause discoloration. This is because some harsh cleaning products do more harm than good, especially when dealing with carpets and rugs. This is why experts often recommend testing a new cleaner or stain removal product on a small portion of the carpet before using it directly on the stain or for the entire carpet. For instance, one can apply the product to a small portion of the carpet that is not too visible, like the portion underneath the couch. If the product does not cause discoloration or other issues on the test patch, then one can continue using it. The test should be a standard practice for all new carpet cleaning products, even DIY homemade cleaning solutions.
10 roofing mistakes to avoid when renovating a home

10 roofing mistakes to avoid when renovating a home

If there were no roofs in structures, one would have to directly bear the brunt of harsh sunlight, heavy downpours and snow, rough winds, and extreme weather, not to mention birds, reptiles, and insects, making the place all their own. However, the roof is directly exposed to all such factors, so a fragile roof is subject to continuous wear and tear. To prevent such a scenario, here are some roofing mistakes one should avoid: 1. Not installing a cricket over the chimney Cricket is a tiny ridge placed over a chimney, and its main function is to prevent water from entering the chimney. Usually, it is made of wood and is an important part of the roofing structure, especially if one lives in a rain-prone zone. It helps prevent leakage and shouldn’t be missed while building a roof. 2. Selecting the wrong roofing materials There is no dearth of roofing materials on the market, but not all of these materials may suit all types of structures. For example, asphalt shingles are extremely popular choices for roofs all over the country, but that’s mainly because of the steep pitch that most residential structures in America have. So, if one has a low-lying roof, asphalt shingles may not be the best choice; in such cases, materials like ethylene propylene diene monomer and sheet metal may be better options to prevent leakage.
11 common basement waterproofing mistakes to avoid

11 common basement waterproofing mistakes to avoid

Almost every homeowner has faced water-caused destruction in their homes at one time or another. A good way to stop water damage is to waterproof areas like the basement. Unfortunately, this is not as easy as it sounds. A lot of people unknowingly make mistakes while waterproofing this place, which could be costly in the long run. Read on to learn about 11 such mistakes and how to avoid them. Ignoring the early warning signs of leakages When it comes to water damage, it is very important to catch the early warning signs. One should watch out for any unusual odors, dampness, or visible water stains in the basement. Recognizing these early can prevent excessive damage and mold growth and avoid expensive renovations in the future. Overlooking external drainage issues To keep the home and basement clean and moisture-free, homeowners also need to pay attention to their external drainage systems. Issues here, such as clogged gutters or downspouts, can increase the risk of water seepage and damage in the basement. One should regularly maintain the drainage systems so that the water is directed away from the home’s foundation. Thinking waterproof paint is enough While using waterproof paint is important in closed-off or humid locations like bathrooms and basements, it should not be the only barrier to prevent water from seeping in.
8 garden renovation mistakes to avoid

8 garden renovation mistakes to avoid

The garden is the perfect place for individuals to spend time sipping on their favorite drink or hosting a barbeque for their friends and family. However, one might eventually want to renovate the entire area from scratch. While there’s a lot of excitement in taking up this project, people could make various mistakes that may ruin the garden space. Here are eight garden renovation errors that one could easily avoid. Not setting a budget Many people dive into a renovation project without even considering the costs. And before they know it, they have already shot past what they can afford. Therefore, setting a budget before starting the renovation project is crucial. One must determine how much they are willing to invest in the garden. The estimated budget should include every expense, including the cost of removing wild plants and adding fresh ones that are good for the space. One should also keep an additional fund aside to accommodate any unforeseen or emergency costs that arise during the project. Not drawing out a plan Apart from setting a budget, one should also ensure they begin garden renovations after creating a plan. This plan should include what they wish to add to the garden and the overall cost.
12 signs it’s time to get new doors and windows

12 signs it’s time to get new doors and windows

Doors and windows connect homes to the world. However, as they are part of the home’s exterior, they are constantly exposed to external elements like wind, snow, rain, and dust. Additionally, even room and patio doors are used extensively, undergoing quite a bit of wear and tear. So, it’s necessary to maintain all doors and windows, regularly look for issues, and get them replaced if one notices the following signs: Signs to replace doors 1. Wide gaps With time, the gaps between the front doors and the floor beneath them may begin to widen, or the doors can get misaligned. This can make the door let in cold air. If that is the case, it is a clear sign that the door needs to be replaced or at least repaired. 2. Cracks Harsh winds, extreme winters, excessive moisture, or rough use—any of these factors can speed up door wear and tear. While some of these cracks can get repaired, the situation may get out of hand after a point if cracks keep developing. That’s when the door needs to be replaced. Garden and patio doors are particularly vulnerable to such wear and tear because they are directly exposed to such elements.
7 mistakes to avoid when repairing the house’s crawl space

7 mistakes to avoid when repairing the house’s crawl space

The crawl space often ends up being one of the most neglected areas of a home. Since damp, moist air easily gets trapped in this space, there is a high risk of mold breeding here, affecting the foundation. Besides, musty smells, pests, and bugs can quickly find their way indoors, posing a risk to everyone’s health. Because of these issues, ensuring the crawl space is repaired well without any mistakes is important. Not hiring a professional to do the job Since the crawl space is a hidden area of the house, a homeowner may be tempted to save money by not hiring a professional. This can be a serious mistake with expensive consequences, especially if one does not have the necessary skills to do the work themselves. Instead of doing it alone, hiring a professional contractor can save a lot of time. Besides this, there will be less chance of the work being faulty. There will be a low risk of causing further damage to the crawl space, which otherwise will incur more expenses to repair it. Starting a the repair work before the crawl space is dry A common mistake homeowners make is installing the insulation or moisture barrier for the flooring too soon.
7 mistakes to avoid when selecting a front door

7 mistakes to avoid when selecting a front door

Making the right choice on the first go can be challenging. Extensive research and consideration must be given to ensure one is choosing correctly. This applies when one is choosing a front door for their property. People  do not just need to think about the property’s budget and esthetics.  To avoid making the wrong decision , individuals need to consider certain commonly made mistakes and learn from other people’s mistakes. Mistakes to avoid Here are a few mistakes people make when selecting a front door: 1. Overlooking security features A commonly made mistake people need to stop when selecting front doors is not taking in the importance of security. While trying to find a door that fits the house entrance, look for one that provides the right kind of security. There is no point in finding a front door if it does not have any security benefits to add. Overlooking this important detail can put the property and the people living in it at a higher risk of break-ins, thefts, and other criminal activity. Multi-point locking system doors are a great choice for any  kind of  property.  Homeowners can also consider installing added locks or reinforced metal door frames to improve their security prospects.