Try these 8 natural remedies for nasal polyps

Try these 8 natural remedies for nasal polyps

Nasal polyps are soft, usually painless lumps that grow in the sinuses or nose as a result of specific allergies, infection, or inflammation. More often than not, the polyps do not result in severe symptoms. However, people with nasal polyps may experience sneezing, itching, difficulty in breathing, and runny nose, among other symptoms. While doctors can prescribe sprays for nasal polyps relief, the following natural remedies can also help relieve the symptoms.  Cayenne pepper This hot and spicy food item contains capsaicin—a compound that is known for its ability to clear sinuses. Several studies have shown that this compound can help ease inflammation, open up nasal passages, and improve immunity. Consequently, one can reduce several nasal polyp symptoms by adding cayenne pepper to their food. Adding 1–2 teaspoons to the recipes should help with symptom relief. Alternatively, having a hot cayenne tea can also serve the purpose. Peppermint The key ingredient that makes peppermint one of the best natural remedies for nasal polyps is menthol. A study conducted in 2015 indicated that menthol possesses decongestant properties that not only help in clearing nasal passages but also treat common cold-like symptoms. Neti pot Using a neti pot is a form of nasal irrigation that can help reduce nasal polyp symptoms.
7 things that can aggravate arthritis symptoms

7 things that can aggravate arthritis symptoms

Arthritis is a condition that impacts about one out of four adults in the country. The most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis. While in the initial days, one may feel mildly irritated due to stiffness in joints, in the advanced stage, it may turn downright crippling. Besides, what is common among the arthritis types is inflammation. Here are a few things that can worsen arthritis symptoms:  Not following a workout regime Skipping exercise during arthritis is perceived as the most logical thing to do. And why not? It will do nothing but intensify your already paining joints. Right? Well, not really! In actuality, it is the opposite. The more you engage in physical activities, the lesser stiffness and pain you will feel in the joints. Besides that, following a well-planned workout regime with the right exercises will make the muscles around your joints more potent, reducing the perils of arthritis symptoms. Consult your doctor about the types of physical exercises you should do. Ideally, activities like yoga, swimming, and biking are considered joint-friendly. Indulging in intense physical activities Neither too little nor too much should be the modus operandi while working out.
5 conditions that may lead to bone loss

5 conditions that may lead to bone loss

It is widely known that old age and menopause tend to increase the risks of osteoporosis or bone loss. However, very few people know that some specific disorders can also increase the chances of bone loss. While some of these conditions are the root cause of bone loss, others indirectly enhance the risk of diseases such as osteoporosis. Thus, here are five health conditions you must know and adequately manage to prevent bone loss: Diabetes For reasons still unexplained, scientists have observed that patients with Type 1 diabetes frequently suffer from bone loss. According to studies, the bones of patients with Type 1 diabetes tend to have delayed bone recovery and regeneration. Besides, their bone formation also is lower than normal. Type 1 diabetes typically begins in childhood, a period when your bones are still in the developing stage. In this condition, your pancreas releases little or no insulin, a protein hormone that maintains your blood sugar by carrying them to different parts of the body to be used as energy. It has been observed that without a sufficient amount of insulin, your bones may not reach their peak potential density. Furthermore, even if their bone density is not too lower than normal, patients with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are more susceptible to bone fracture than others.
5 tips to prevent and manage ulcerative colitis

5 tips to prevent and manage ulcerative colitis

Ulcerative colitis is a long-term inflammatory disease that triggers inflammation and ulcers in the digestive system. It impacts the colon and rectum’s innermost lining. The symptoms are typically produced over a period rather than unexpectedly. According to the latest studies, about 1 million people have ulcerative colitis, and if left untreated, it can be crippling and cause life-threatening conditions. So, here are 5 tips to prevent and manage ulcerative colitis: Get on with the treatment plan immediately Even though there is no concrete cure for ulcerative colitis, proper treatment can help ease the symptoms and signs of the condition and eventually provide long-term remission. If a patient feels that their bowel habits are consistently changing or if they experience any of the following symptoms and signs, they should immediately consult a doctor: Blood in stool Ongoing diarrhea that is not getting cured by any other types of treatments An unknown fever going on for more than a day or two Abdominal pain Diarrhea that wakes up the patient from sleep The treatments prescribed by the doctor will typically include a combination of oral therapy or surgery. As far as oral treatments are concerned, the doctor may prescribe any of the following types of therapies, depending on the patient’s existing condition:
3 common types of soaps that trigger eczema flareups

3 common types of soaps that trigger eczema flareups

Atopic dermatitis or eczema is a skin disease that makes the skin reddish, inflamed, and itchy because of specific triggers. It can affect any body part and appear anywhere on the skin. The most common symptoms are dryness, bumps, rashes, redness, and peeling of the skin. Despite being one of the most typical forms of atopic dermatitis, there is no such common definite cause; however, particular triggers cause eczema flareups, including specific kinds of soaps. Soaps and eczema flareups When eczema triggers, most of the time, it makes its appearance in certain typical parts of the body. These include behind the knee areas, hands, and feet. Some of the most common triggers of eczema flareups include household cleaners containing specific chemicals, and, most notably, soaps. However, the experience of eczema won’t be the same for everyone. One of the most typical symptoms is dry skin, where the soap’s role becomes significant. It is a pretty well-known fact that using soaps makes one’s skin dry. This happens because of specific harsh chemicals that swipe off moisture from one’s skin. These chemicals can also trigger severe irritation and reactions, specifically if the skin is too sensitive or if one is suffering from eczema.
3 effective ways to manage multiple myeloma

3 effective ways to manage multiple myeloma

Multiple myeloma is a type of cancer that affects the plasma cells in the bone marrow. Here, cancerous cells begin accumulating in the bone marrow and outnumber the healthy cells. This leads to huge amounts of unwanted proteins rather than helpful antibodies. About 34,000 adults in the country are estimated to be affected by this condition in 2022. However, the disease can be managed through the following treatment options, foods, and lifestyle changes: Treatment options Multiple myeloma does not have a permanent cure, but the disease and its symptoms can be managed with the right treatment. Doctors may recommend immunotherapy to treat this blood-related condition.  Immunotherapy This is a treatment method that empowers the patient’s immune system to fight cancerous cells. It is a biological therapy where certain substances derived from living beings are used for the treatment. Here are a few options: CAR T-cell therapy: This is a form of immunotherapy prescribed for multiple myeloma patients. This works on the T-cells (a white blood cell type), stimulating them to fight cancerous growth. The therapy involves drawing blood from the patient and adding chimeric antigen receptors (or CARs) to the blood, helping the T-cells target certain cancerous cell antigens. The CAR T-cells are then infused into the blood of the patient.
4 essential vitamins for optimum eye health

4 essential vitamins for optimum eye health

The eyes are complex organs and need a variety of nutrients to function optimally. Many common health conditions like glaucoma, cataracts, age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and others can negatively affect our eyes, which may lead up to a complete loss of vision. While some conditions like moderate astigmatism can be corrected using contact lenses or eye lenses, others can be prevented by consuming a healthy dose of these 4 vitamins: Vitamin A Vitamin A deficiency is one of the most common causes of blindness globally. Vitamin A plays a crucial role in maintaining a clear cornea (outside the covering of the eye). A person with this vitamin deficiency may find their eyes not producing enough moisture to stay lubricated. It is also essential for maintaining the eyes’ light-sensing cells called photoreceptors. A deficiency of vitamin A can also lead to xerophthalmia, a progressive eye disease that begins with night blindness. Continued deficiency can lead to the drying up of the eyes and tear ducts, and softening of the cornea, resulting in irreversible blindness. To maintain eye health, it is recommended to eat vitamin-A-rich foods, like sweet potatoes, leafy greens, pumpkins, squash, bell peppers, carrots, dairy products, egg yolks, and liver.
7 foods that help fight against Bronchitis

7 foods that help fight against Bronchitis

When you have bronchitis, it’s easy to overeat greasy, salty, or sugary foods to relieve the coughing, breathing, and throat pain. Alternatively, you may decide not to consume anything at all. However, you should take care and watch what you eat as refined carbs and saturated fats might impede recovery. Knowing which foods to avoid and which to eat may influence the severity of bronchitis symptoms. Here’s a list of a few items you should avoid. Foods with preservatives and additives Sulfites, a form of preservative, may aggravate bronchitis. Liquor, dried fruits, pickled foods, maraschino cherries, and lime juice all contain sulfites. Processed and quick meals frequently contain chemical additives, flavors, and colorings. Some bronchitis patients may be susceptible to or intolerant to these artificial components. Gas-forming foods Eating large meals or gas-producing foods strains the diaphragm, especially if you suffer from acid reflux. This can cause chest pains and asthma flare-ups. Beans, cabbage, carbonated beverages, onions, and fried dishes are examples of these foods. Sugar and HFCS Do you enjoy drinking sugar-laden colas? Be cautious. They can be dangerous to your health. Avoiding syrups, candies, and other sugary foods will help to relieve symptoms such as coughing, irritation, and discomfort in your lungs.