Duchenne muscular dystrophy – Common signs and diagnosis

Duchenne muscular dystrophy – Common signs and diagnosis

Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a rare genetic disorder that affects muscle strength and mobility. It commonly affects young boys, with symptoms developing during early infancy or childhood. Over time, the condition can lead to muscle deterioration. Here, recognizing the symptoms of DMD in time is crucial for seeking an early diagnosis and appropriate management options to slow down disease progression. So, here are a few things to know about the disorder: What is DMD? Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is a genetic disorder characterized by the progressive weakening and wasting of muscles. It is one of the most common forms of muscular dystrophy, and it primarily affects young males. DMD is caused by mutations in the dystrophin gene that lead to the absence or dysfunction of dystrophin—a protein vital for muscle stability. This is an X-linked recessive disorder, meaning it primarily affects males. So, females can be carriers of the mutated gene without experiencing any symptoms, but males born to carrier mothers have a 50% chance of inheriting the mutated gene and developing DMD. Symptoms DMD often presents its initial symptoms in early childhood, usually between the ages of 2 and 4. So, it is important to keep an eye out for signs such as delayed motor milestones, difficulty standing, and frequent falls.
14 early signs of heartburn to watch out for

14 early signs of heartburn to watch out for

Heartburn is a prevalent condition that affects millions of people worldwide. The burning feeling in the chest caused by the onset of heartburn can cause discomfort. The condition can be temporary or chronic if left unmanaged. It occurs when stomach acid flows back into the esophagus, causing irritation and discomfort. Recognizing the early symptoms of heartburn is crucial for timely intervention and effective management. Let’s look at the subtle indicators of heartburn. What is heartburn? Heartburn, known as acid indigestion or acid reflux, is a condition where the stomach acid rushes back up into the esophagus (a tube carrying food from the mouth to the stomach, and it is not designed to handle the corrosive effects of stomach acid). The acid reflux generally leads to a range of uncomfortable symptoms. The primary reason behind heartburn is a dysfunctional lower esophageal sphincter (LES). It is a muscle ring situated at the bottom of the esophagus that normally acts as a one-way valve, allowing foods and liquids to enter the stomach while preventing stomach contents from flowing back up into the esophagus. When the LES weakens or relaxes inappropriately, stomach acid can escape into the esophagus, leading to heartburn. Early symptoms of heartburn Burning sensation in the chest This is a common sign of the condition, often erupting from behind the breastbone.
11 common migraine causing odors

11 common migraine causing odors

Migraine is a neurological disorder characterized by severe, pulsating headaches often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound. While the exact cause of migraines remains elusive, various triggers have been identified, including certain odors. Odor-triggered migraines can be particularly challenging to manage and treat. Below are some familiar smells that may trigger the condition, simple strategies to cope with them, and other factors that can trigger migraines. Why do certain odors cause migraine? The phenomenon of migraine headaches due to odor sensitivity is called osmophobia or olfactory migraines. The exact mechanism by which odors trigger migraines is not fully understood, but several theories exist. One is sensory overload, wherein strong odors overload the brain’s sensory processing, leading to a migraine in individuals susceptible to sensory triggers. Some people may also have heightened sensitivity to certain chemicals found in odorous substances. When exposed to these chemicals, their bodies may react with a migraine. Lastly, odors can activate specific neural pathways in the brain, potentially triggering migraine pathways in those predisposed to migraines. Odors that may trigger migraine Perfumes and fragrances Perfumes and strong fragrances are among the most common migraine triggers. The synthetic chemicals in many perfumes can overwhelm the olfactory system, leading to migraines in susceptible individuals.
Herpes simplex virus – Symptoms, causes, and management

Herpes simplex virus – Symptoms, causes, and management

Herpes simplex virus (HSV), commonly known as herpes, is an infection that may result in painful blisters or ulcers. The disease is primarily spread through skin-to-skin contact. There are two types of the herpes simplex virus, type 1 and type 2. According to researchers, around 3.7 billion people under age 50 are diagnosed with herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) infection, and about 491 million aged 15 to 49 globally with herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) infection. Symptoms There are a few things that one should note about the symptoms of the herpes simplex virus. Most people with herpes do not experience any symptoms or only mild symptoms. Others might not even be aware that they have the infection and may pass it along to others unknowingly. The symptoms of the condition may include painful, recurring blisters or ulcers. Furthermore, new infections may result in body aches, a fever, and swollen lymph nodes. An individual with the disease might experience varied symptoms during the first episode of infection than when it recurs. If symptoms occur, they might begin with itching, tingling, or burning sensations near where the sores appear. The common symptoms of oral herpes include blisters (cold sores) or open sores (ulcers) around the mouth or lips.
Nail fungal infection – Causes, symptoms, and management

Nail fungal infection – Causes, symptoms, and management

Fungus is normally present in the body, but when there is an overgrowth, it can lead to infection. One common infection is nail fungal infection, or onychomycosis or tinea unguium. It usually affects the toenails rather than the fingernails, causing them to become brittle and discolored. This infection develops over time, so any changes to the affected nails may be subtle initially. Here are some common types, causes, symptoms, and treatment measures for nail fungal infections. Types of nail fungal infections In general, there are four types of nail fungal infections. Distal or lateral subungual onychomycosis This is a common nail fungal infection caused by a type of fungus known as dermatophyte. This infection can occur in both toenails and fingernails. It usually starts as a yellowish-colored patch in the nail bed, right under the nail. Over time, this patch spreads to the center of the nail from the edges, causing the nail to separate from the nail bed. Candidal onychomycosis This type of infection is caused by yeast. It mostly occurs in the fingernails. The yeast causes the area around the infected nail to become inflamed and swollen. Sometimes, the nail might come off entirely from the nail bed.
Bipolar disorder – Its types and early signs

Bipolar disorder – Its types and early signs

Bipolar disorder is a mental health disorder characterized by extreme moods, either significantly high or low. The high periods are referred to as mania or hypomania, and the low moods are called depression. However, the moods can sometimes be concurrent, meaning individuals with bipolar disorder may have manic and depressive symptoms at once. The condition is usually difficult to diagnose; however, some signs can detect bipolar disorder early, and treatment can be started accordingly. Types and symptoms Often, the signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder overlap with those of other conditions, so it becomes difficult to diagnose it timely, which can delay treatment. However, there are now some criteria laid out by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders that help recognize bipolar disorder. There are four types of bipolar disorders, and the symptoms vary according to the type of the condition. These are as follows: 1. Bipolar I This type is diagnosed when the individual experiences manic episodes. The symptoms are as follows: This includes a significant shift in the behavior and mood of the person. These mood changes are often unlike the person’s personality or usual behavior, making it evident that something is wrong. A manic episode is also considered manic when it is present most of the day and nearly daily.
8 early signs of seizures

8 early signs of seizures

Seizures occur when changes in the brain’s electrical activity cause sudden changes in movement, sensation, awareness, thought, or behavior. Depending on the part of the brain involved, they are categorized into three main types – focal onset seizures, generalized onset seizures, and unknown onset seizures. Although seizures may present themselves differently and with varying intensities, recognizing their early signs is crucial for timely support and intervention. Some of the most commonly reported signs of a seizure include: Aura People who experience seizures often describe feeling an aura beforehand. This sensation can include a variety of feelings, such as visual, auditory, or olfactory sensations, pain, numbness, or headaches. Some examples of aura symptoms include a wave-like sensation that travels through the head, twitching or stiffening of the arm or hand, a feeling of falling or riding a roller coaster in the stomach, an unusual taste or smell, hearing unexplained sounds or music, experiencing sudden, intense emotions like fear, happiness, or anxiety, tingling or numbness, hallucinations, or seeing colored or flashing lights. According to research, around 65 percent of people with generalized epilepsy experience seizures. Auras can be a warning sign of an oncoming seizure, signaling that it may be time to seek assistance and move to a safer place.
Hypoglycemia – 10 signs of low blood sugar

Hypoglycemia – 10 signs of low blood sugar

A low blood sugar level is a condition referred to as hypoglycemia. This condition is recognized when the blood sugar level drops below 70 mg/dl, and steps are needed to bring it back up to a healthy number. This type of blood sugar drop is especially common in type 1 diabetes. Some symptoms can help diagnose low blood sugar levels that impact health, and here are some observations to keep in mind. 1. Extreme hunger This is one of the typical signs and symptoms of a low blood sugar level. This is the body’s way of communicating that it needs food to raise its glucose levels. Some people may eat sugary substances to get that spike, but other foods can also help raise the glucose level. Carbohydrates help solve this issue; however, eating the right amount of carbohydrates to help in this situation is essential and can vary from person to person. So, always consult a nutritionist to know how to manage glucose levels when this symptom occurs. 2. Restless nights Nocturnal hypoglycemia is the term used to describe low blood sugar levels at night in a diabetic person. In this, the individual may experience signs and symptoms like night sweats, unrest, and confusion once awake, as well as episodes of waking up suddenly.