14 Tips for Naturally Sparkling Eyes

14 Tips for Naturally Sparkling Eyes

No matter your age, your eyes are the most expressive part of your face. They are often perceived as a reflection of your health and mood. The contrast between the color of your iris and its white backdrop grants your eyes a sense of brightness, excitement, and health. Taking good care of your eyes can highlight this contrast and make your eyes sparkle. So, here are ten tips that may help do the same: Avoid prolonged exposure to dry air Air can be arid in high altitudes, in deserted climates, and on airplanes. It is essential to avoid these areas or use a humidifier when possible. You can also be exposed to dry air when riding a motorcycle or using hair dryers or car heaters that blow wind directly into your eyes. Avoiding prolonged exposure to dry air and keeping yourself hydrated can prevent your eyes from getting itchy and red. Use green tea bags Placing cooled green tea bags on your eyelids can help you reduce swelling and discomfort, mainly if you deal with puffy or irritated eyes. This is because of polyphenols like Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects on the cornea. To derive the most benefits out of them, steep the tea bags in warm water.
Common types of bone cancer and their symptoms

Common types of bone cancer and their symptoms

Bone cancer is one of the rarest forms of cancer. It is estimated that this type of cancer accounts for 1% of the total cases diagnosed. Although it is generally observed among children, teens, and young adults, it can develop at any age. Bone cancer can be categorized into four main groups depending on where it starts. Here are the common types and the early signs and symptoms of bone cancer. Osteosarcoma Also known as osteogenic sarcoma, this form of bone cancer is observed mostly among children and teens. But in rare cases, osteosarcoma can also occur in adulthood. It starts in the cells where new bone tissue begins to form. As a result, it directly has an effect on the hard tissues that are present around the outer layers of the bones. Furthermore, there might be rare cases when this form of bone cancer also affects the soft tissues that are present outside the bone. Thus, the cancerous cells can start to grow in any bone. But in most cases, it starts towards the end of large bones such as the legs or arms. Sometimes, osteosarcoma can also begin in other body parts, such as the shoulders and hips.
11 Foods That May Trigger Epilepsy

11 Foods That May Trigger Epilepsy

Epilepsy is a brain disorder that can cause recurring seizures. Today, there are different types of epilepsy where the cause of some is known, and for others, the causes haven’t been identified yet. This condition is quite common. It can affect people across genders and ethnic backgrounds. According to estimates, 1 in 26 people develop the condition. Fortunately, there are treatments available to control the seizures. This can include avoiding trigger foods. Foods that can trigger or worsen epilepsy In most cases, symptoms of epilepsy depend on the type of seizure. This is because the condition is caused due to certain activity in the brain. However, making certain lifestyle changes can help control the symptoms. Hence, here are some foods that can trigger or worsen epilepsy and its associated symptoms. Bananas While bananas have a variety of health benefits, their potassium content can cause health issues for people with epilepsy. Excessive consumption of the fruit can lead to high potassium levels in the body. This can give way to periodic seizures that can affect the quality of life of the patient. Therefore, patients are suggested to consume the fruit in fewer amounts or avoid it altogether. Coffee Caffeinated beverages like coffee and tea often trigger an overactive central nervous system ( CNS).
Avoid these 7 peeing mistakes for a healthy bladder

Avoid these 7 peeing mistakes for a healthy bladder

Urinating is a routine body function that helps get rid of the waste fluids in the body. Urine generally contains water, urea, creatinine, uric acid, chloride, sodium, potassium, sulfate, ammonium, phosphate, and other ions. Most people urinate around 6–7 times per day. One may not think about it, but there are wrong and right ways to pee, which can help ensure optimal bladder health. Here are seven of the most common peeing mistakes to avoid: Holding it in for too long Holding urine in can sometimes be unavoidable, such as at a concert or on a long drive. However, making a habit out of it can stretch the bladder, causing loss of bladder function and leading to urinary infections. Contrary to popular belief, urine is not sterile. It contains a microbial system. Holding pee in for too long can make one more susceptible to infections as the bacteria multiply. To protect the bladder, it is important to keep drinking enough water and urinating when one feels the urge. Not fully emptying the bladder when peeing Sometimes, when one is in a rush, they may not fully empty their bladder. This stretches the bladder and also increases the risk of infections.
11 Superfoods to Reduce Cholesterol Levels

11 Superfoods to Reduce Cholesterol Levels

The human body requires cholesterol to process hormones, Vitamin D, and digestion. But letting it accumulate in the body can lead to clogged arteries and health issues like heart attack. High blood pressure, diabetes, chest pain, or experiencing pain while walking are signs that show one’s cholesterol levels are too high. One way to maintain healthy cholesterol levels is to eat nutrient-rich food. Here are some superfoods for maintaining a healthy cholesterol level. Types of cholesterol There are mainly two types of cholesterol; LDL and HDL. LDL (low-density lipoprotein) is considered “bad” cholesterol since it clogs the blood vessels with plaque. The HDL (high-density lipoprotein), on the other hand, or the “good” cholesterol, helps carry and eliminate the LDL and regulate bodily functions. One way to ensure the bloodstream has lower levels of harmful LDL is to eat the right foods. Besides food, age can be another factor that can increase one’s cholesterol levels. With age, metabolism slows down, which can impact one’s processing of nutrients. Similarly, a family history of high blood cholesterol can also make one vulnerable to developing the condition. Superfoods to eat to lower cholesterol Oats Being one of the powerhouses of soluble fiber, oats are an excellent breakfast option for those with high cholesterol.
Foods That Help Manage Seizures

Foods That Help Manage Seizures

A seizure is a sudden increase in electrical activity between brain cells. The phenomenon leads to temporary abnormalities in muscle tone or movements, sensations, behavior, or states of awareness. Seizures usually occur due to a range of health complications, including infections and tumors. The symptoms are controllable with the right prescriptions. However, maintaining a healthy meal plan alongside ongoing treatments can improve brain health and reduce potential health complications that may lead to seizures. Spinach Introducing spinach to daily meals is one of the best ways to improve brain health. The leafy green is abundant in an antioxidant called lutein, which helps cleanse harmful substances from the brain and prevents age-related mental decline. The vegetable is also rich in magnesium, essential for managing muscle and nerve function. Moreover, spinach is rich in B vitamins, vitamin K, vitamin E, folate, and L-tyrosine, which are known to improve memory and mental focus. Blueberries Each type of berry, such as blueberries, packs antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties essential for the brain. The berry contains polyphenols, a group of compounds that include anthocyanins. While the property gives the berry its blue/black hue, it is also associated with improved brain health. Anthocyanins are said to reduce inflammation, help neurons communicate better, and regulate how the brain utilizes glucose for energy.
13 foods that relieve ulcerative colitis flare-ups

13 foods that relieve ulcerative colitis flare-ups

Ulcerative Colitis (UC) is a chronic Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) that can develop at any age. Although the cause of UC isn’t clear, experts think factors like genes, abnormal immune reactions, the gut biome, and environmental factors play an important role. To manage UC, one must identify and eliminate foods that trigger symptoms. Although there is no single recommended nutritional plan for people with the condition, the following foods may help manage the condition: Salmon Fatty fish like salmon are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids and protein. The fatty acids can help reduce inflammation one experiences with UC, while the protein can help during healing. When cooking salmon, it is advisable to bake, broil, or saute it, instead of frying, to ensure it keeps its nutritional value. Other rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids include tuna, shrimp, and mackerel. Yogurt Yogurt is a rich source of probiotics that contain gut-healthy bacteria. They can help in the digestive process, strengthen the immune system, and ease the symptoms of UC. Since yogurt is made from milk, it is also a rich source of calcium and can protect the bones against conditions such as osteoporosis. When buying yogurt, opt for plain, unsweetened yogurt.
7 breathing mistakes to avoid for optimal lung health

7 breathing mistakes to avoid for optimal lung health

Many of us are unknowingly making breathing mistakes, and these could significantly impact our lung capacity and health. Many of us are used to breathing in a way that negatively impacts our respiratory system. Factors like poor posture, breathing through the mouth, and other similar habits can significantly impact our health. To avoid any adverse effects, it is essential to understand and rectify these mistakes for a fuller breath and a healthier set of lungs. Breathing through the mouth Constantly breathing through the mouth is another mistake you need to work on avoiding for healthy lungs. Did you know studies have found that up to 50% of adults breathe through their mouths? The possibility is higher during the morning than at night. It might not be risky in small portions, but if you constantly breathe through your mouth, you must retrain yourself. The nose can filter out toxins, irritants, and other items that are best kept away from the respiratory tract. It also humidifies the air making things easier for the lungs. When breathing through the mouth, you increase the chances of experiencing dry mouth, which can increase the risk of asthma and trigger its symptoms. If you are someone who has learned to breathe through the mouth because your nose is overly congested, you still need to visit the doctor and get it checked.