Tips to prevent and manage prostate cancer

Tips to prevent and manage prostate cancer

The prostate is a gland found in males. When unhealthy cells start to grow and multiply abnormally in that area, it leads to prostate cancer. There are various types of cancers that develop in the prostate gland, like small cell carcinomas, transitional cell carcinomas, sarcomas, and neuroendocrine tumors. It is essential to learn the signs and symptoms for timely treatment. Here are some ways of managing the condition and preventive methods to reduce the risk:

Treatment options
There are several treatment options available to manage prostate cancer, and each of the options has its possible risks or side effects. After a careful diagnosis and discussion with a health professional, they may suggest one of these:

    Digital Rectal Exam (DRE) is a test in which the doctor inserts a lubricated and gloved finger inside the rectum to examine the prostate by touch. If they find any abnormalities in the prostate, the doctor can immediately suggest any more tests and make a treatment plan.
  • Xofigo
    This is an invasive treatment option advised when other options like hormonal or surgical methods have not been successful in lowering the testosterone levels in the body. It is also used when cancer has specifically spread to the bone and no other parts of the body.
  • Enzalutamide
    This product is known to be an androgen receptor inhibitor, which means that it helps in blocking the effects of androgen, a male reproductive hormone, and inhibits the growth of cancer cells. This is also used when a patient has tried other treatment options without any success. This is not used at the primary stage.
  • Observation or active surveillance
    This means monitoring cancer closely to provide the right kind of treatment. It involves a doctor’s visit every six months for a prostate-specific antigen blood test and DRE.
  • Surgery
    This method involves surgically removing the prostate gland, the surrounding tissue, and some lymph nodes to prevent any potential cancer cells from the nearby tissues. This method is usually used when cancer has not yet spread to the rest of the body.
  • Radiation therapy
    This method uses high-energy beams that kill cancer cells. The therapy can be used in different stages of the treatment and serves different purposes at various stages.

There are some other options as well. However, a health professional can choose between the methods depending on a patient’s condition. Sometimes, there are also promising clinical trials in which patients can participate.

Nutritional changes

  • Drink coffee
    A meta-analysis of several clinical studies suggests that drinking about 4-5 cups of coffee daily is likely to decrease the risk of developing prostate cancer. The studies also saw an 11% percent drop in the risk of fatal prostate cancer with every 3 cups of coffee. After careful observations, it was understood that there is a dose-response relationship between caffeine and prostate cancer. This means the risks go up and down depending on the number of coffee cups. However, drinking too much caffeine can have some side effects and health complications.
  • Reduce the intake of fats
    Studies show a link between animal and saturated fats and an increased risk of prostate cancer. While the results are inconclusive, prevention is better than cure. Saturated fats are known for their unhealthy traits, so it would be wise to cut them down from your daily nutrition. Swap animal fats like butter for plant-based fats like olive oil and candy bars for fresh fruits.
  • Increase the intake of isoflavones
    Isoflavones are essential nutrients to reduce the risk of cancer. These nutrients are easily found in foods like tofu, soy products, chickpeas, lentils, peanuts, and alfalfa sprouts. Researchers also suggest a positive link between drinking green tea and reducing the risk of prostate cancer; however, further detailed studies are needed to come to any specific conclusions.
  • Say yes to citrus fruits
    Fruits like kumquats, yuzu, grapefruit, oranges, lemons, limes, tangerines, and mandarins are citrus-rich fruits. Studies suggest that eating these fruits can reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer. However, try eating the fruit’s flesh instead its juice, as it contains a lot of fiber essential for the body. If you are on any treatments, consult a doctor before adding grapefruit to your meals because it may or may not interfere with the treatment process.
  • Eat foods rich in lycopene
    Red foods like watermelon, tomatoes, and red peppers are rich in lycopene. This powerful antioxidant works to reduce the risk of prostate cancer. According to studies, eating canned or cooked tomatoes four times a week resulted in a 28% decrease in the risk of prostate cancer.

Lifestyle changes 

  • Exercise regularly
    The waist circumference is added to Body Mass Index (BMI) as an association factor to the risk of prostate cancer. It is understood that the higher the waist circumference, the higher the risk. Regular exercising like walking, running, swimming, or bicycling are great physical movements to keep the body fit and healthy.
  • Active sexual life
    Studies suggest that men who have a higher frequency of ejaculation are about two-thirds less prone to developing the disease. Experts believe that frequent ejaculation releases toxins and also helps fight inflammation. However, this is not a conclusive study.